
M 38

Messier 38 (also known as M38 or NGC 1912) is an open cluster in the Auriga constellation.

It was discovered by Giovanni Batista Hodierna before 1654 and independently found by Le Gentil in 1749. M36 and M37, also discovered by Hodierna, are grouped together with M38 at a distance of about 3,420 light years away from Earth.

The cluster's brightest stars form a pattern resembling the Greek letter Pi or, according to Webb, an "oblique cross." At its distance of 4,200 light years, its angular diameter of about 20' corresponds to about 25 light years, similar to that of its more distant neighbor M37. It is of intermediate age (about 220 million years, according to Sky Catalog 2000) and features a yellow giant of apparent magnitude +7.9 and spectral type G0 as its brightest member. This corresponds to an absolute magnitude of -1.5, or a luminosity of 900 Suns. For comparison, the Sun would appear as a faint magnitude +15.3 star from the distance of M38.

R = 8 * 600 sec. bin1, G = 8 * 690 sec. bin1, B = 8 * 780 sec. bin1.

Pixinsight 1.8, Photoshop, eXcalibrator.

M 38

NGC 1491

NGC 1491 is a bright nebula in the constellation of Perseus. It is also known as LBN 704.

NGC 1491 (also listed in the Sharpless Catalog as SH2-206) is an emission nebula, which means it is a cloud of ionized hydrogen gas and a stellar nursery. The nebula is primarily illuminated by the bright star near the center of this image. This star is not only the primary source of the ultraviolet radiation that is lighting up the nebula, it is also generating an energetic stellar wind that is eroding away the gas of the nebula. At the brightest region of this image near that star, a subtle "bubble" might be seen near that star.

L = 16 * 1800 sec. bin1, RGB = 8 * 1200 sec. bin2, Ha = 26 * 1800 sec. bin2, Ha = 8 * 1800 sec.in the each filters.

Total exposition - 33 hours.

Pixinsight 1.8, Photoshop, eXcalibrator.

NGC 1491

PK 104-29.1 (Jones 1)

Jones 1 (PK 104-29.1) is a planetary nebula in Pegasus.

Ha = 11 * 3600 sec. bin1, OIII = 10 * 3600 sec. bin1.

Total exposition is 21 hours.

Pixinsight 1.8 and Photoshop.

PK 104-29.1 (Jones 1)